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The 'Do It Well' singer and husband Marc held the intimate ceremony for seven-week-old twins Max and Emme at a church in Long Island, New York.

The couple then hosted a reception attended by guests including their closest friends and family members at their nearby Brookville house.

A source close to the couple said: "They didn't want it to be a big ceremony, so they only invited their very best friends and immediate family. Max and Emme didn't cry at all - they were really good, and Jennifer and Marc looked extremely proud."

It was recently reported 'El Cantante' actor Marc bought his 38-year-old wife a $300,000 eight-carat yellow canary diamond ring to celebrate the birth of the twins. Jennifer recently revealed becoming a mother is the best thing that has ever happened to her.

She said: "Your heart is connected to them. With all the things that Marc and I have accomplished in our lives, this is the biggest thing that will ever be."
Fresh Entertainment News.Fresh News


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